Mental Illness- Anon

Do you ever have days where you feel so inspired and energetic? The days when you feel like you can take on anything and anyone in the world and come out on top. The days your brain is buzzing with plans and ideas and you feel your hands shake as you try to explain all of it to whoever is willing to listen. It’s like a crazy high that you acknowledge surrounds you, but you can’t stop it.

Do you ever have days that you feel like you are the scum of the earth. Days that you wish you could hide from underneath your covers. The days that there’s an invisible tentacle of death around your throat, neither choking you nor letting you breath.

Many people can experience these feelings, if they can be condensed into a single word as weak as feelings. The point is many people can have either of those days.

How many people have both in random subsequent orders?

How many people can go to sleep at night perfectly content and confident with and in themselves and wake up feeling like living death.

There’s a meme that says ‘I have two settings,  sometimes I hate myself and sometimes I’m Kanye’ and I suppose many people find it funny.

I however hate that meme. For people like me there are no settings. There is no on or off switch. I don’t have a manual or anot instructions guide.  If I did I guess I could be considered defective.

This concept of stories really speaks to me. I love the fact that you’re giving people to really share their own experiences,  because no one has the same ones as others. Life is full of statistics and generalities, that we forget about the individual. My story isn’t the same as another’s even if we share the same disorder, which if many didn’t guess is bi-polar. It’s a label that I’ll live with for the rest of my life, but I hope that it’ll also help others live with theirs.

Abuse- Anon

I was abused as a child by a close family member.

When I was younger I hated that person.

The more I got to know about the sick history of my family, it turns out that the family member who abused me was also abused.

I found out that sexual abuse seemed to have a viscous habit of repeating in my family.

I don’t hate that person anymore. I hate the cycle. I’m going to end it now. I’ll make sure it doesn’t continue.

Ever again.

Mental Illness- Anon

Hello ,

I am a student that currently attends UMBC. My topic is not only about mental illness, but also about self-harm, bullying, and family problems. Growing up my parents always fought. My dad had and still has an anger problem, and my mother had her issues as well. I grew up seeing my parents hate each other, and had the police come to my house a couple of times. Somehow they stayed together through those times and are still together at this time- and are doing much better.

Growing up I had a lot of confidence,  but in high school is when it started to deteriorate. There were multiple reasons for this, bullying being one of them. My home situation along with my situation at school led me to rock bottom. I started self-harm, I fell in depression..I absolutely hated myself. If someone was to say something bad about me I would sit there and listen to them and agree with it.

I did try to commit suicide in highschool, and thanks to God it didn’t fall through. I believe I tried to commit suicide as more a cry for help than anything else. I ended up telling my parents and they were deeply concerned, but that only lasted so long. Going into college I still was depressed and I began to develop anxiety.

It began slowly but developed over time as severe social anxiety. I believe the reason behind this is because I had forced myself to stop cutting. Since I had stopped, I didn’t have an outlet to let out the frustration I felt, and in time it built up and started to become social anxiety.

This past semester at school, I contemplated suicide almost everyday. They were the toughest months of my life.

I remember sitting in the bath tub with razor in hand, just staring into space.

Throughout these years I visited two different psychiatrists but would always fail to take the anti-depressants they prescribed me due to lack of trust.

In my family, as in many south Asian families, mental illness is not something that is acknowledged nor something to be talked about. My father told me to stop taking the medications once he found out and forbid me from seeing my psychiatrist. I thought he was right so I stopped going.

After a few months I started seeing another psychiatrist, without my father knowing. I took the anti-depressants for a while that he prescribed but just like before ended up stopping. I started to see him again since the beginning of this past school year and I have been taking medication non-stop.

I thank God for this, because I am a totally different person because of them. I know what it feels like to look forward to the day, to feel happy, to feel loved, to have self-worth and self-respect. I believe the people I surrounded myself with as well plays a huge role in how I am doing now. I surround myself with people who love me for me. Who don’t judge me or carry negative vibes with them. I would credit these people with saving my life. I just want whoever is listening to this to:

1) Understand that there is nothing shameful in taking medication for mental illness, no matter how it is viewed in your community. Mental illness is something that is real and exists, and it is about time it is looked at that way.

2) Surround yourself with people who genuinely like you and make you feel worthy. Life is too short to be around people who only bring you down. I know this has probably been said a million times, but it is the absolute truth.

3) Love yourself and everything falls into place- literally. I went from having depression,anxiety, doing self-harm, having suicidal thoughts  to being able to love life again and BEING HAPPY. The key to this is to love yourself unconditionally. You are an amazing human being, and should not think of yourself any other way. Life will knock you down more times that you can handle, so please don’t knock yourself down.

Last but not least, If you see someone who is not acting “normal” socially-please accept them and make them feel like they are okay. The biggest thing I have learned from having social anxiety is that love and acceptance makes a huge difference in helping that person out. It might come off as “off-putting” when a person acts awkwardly, but judging them and making them feel like shit about it only makes it that much worse for them. There is way too much hate and negativity in this world for a person as it is, please don’t go out of your way to add to it.

Thank you.


I never had a great middle school experience. I was a quiet and awkwardly shy girl who mostly stuck to reading and wouldn’t really take part in conversation. I got made fun of often and was continuously picked on during the bus ride to and from school. I wouldn’t know how to react to these insults amid the laughter and always ignored it. I would occasionally come home crying because of this and my parents would often console me and tell me that it gets better in high school. It kind of did.

In high school it got better but not really. I decided to take higher level classes and in these classes, I was surrounded by people who never really made me feel wanted. I would keep being nice and I would go out of my way for others but I only felt used. I thought i was friends with this group but it turns out they were only using me and it felt horrible. But I never stopped being nice to these people, and it does get better though.

College really changed me. I learned to stick up for myself and I met a lot of nice and caring people who made me feel good about myself. It gets better. It really does. I was even approached by a few people I saw after high school who apologized to me for mistreating me.

You just need to surround yourself with people who make you want to smile, not people who make you judge your friendship. And don’t feel bad when this don’t work out. Always know that in the end, you should stay a nice person because that is what the Prophet (pbuh) did. And it works out. I promise you. It gets better.

My Story [cont’d]

A person’s story doesn’t have a time-out or a pause button. It shouldn’t be restricted to being shared for only 24 hours. My Story is about giving others a glimpse into the lives of others. The goal for My Story was to allow people to share their stories and allow others to find comfort in them as well as take away a sense of understanding for what some people are going through. We never know how a person feels or what they’re going through. All it takes is one kind word or even a smile to change someone’s day.

You can see physical pain. You can understand physical diseases. But what about what happens inside the mind. What about what you don’t see, is it difficult to understand? If a person’s inner pain was reflected on to their skin as scars and bruises..would people still be able to ignore them?

I’m hoping My Story changes that. Let people share their stories, whether they want it to be anonymously or not. And let others learn and understand that all it is not what it seems. That everything is not as black and white as you may think. That mental illness isn’t always ‘Crazy’. That self-harm isn’t always ‘attention-seeking’. That it isn’t as simple as ‘just be happier, it’s all in your head’.

Read the stories of others and Submit your own. Find comfort and give comfort.

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